Friday, September 13, 2019

Technology plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Technology plan - Assignment Example echnology, therefore, assists the teacher and the students to develop a more personalized relationship, which helps both to learn from one another and to achieve their specific objectives as a unit and in a way, that both enjoy. Teacherkit is a technology developed to enhance classroom management and organization, assisting in the achievement of learning objectives. This paper will provide information concerning the technology and outline a plan through which the technology can be implemented in the learning activities. In any situation, change is always common and inevitable. Conditions that warrant change is from within and outside the main environment. In the education sector, changes in the environment especially the job market and the technological changes have always guided improvements in the way teaching and learning are practiced. Adoption of a change is however not easy. This is because the change involves the introduction of a new aspect, which requires the users to adopt a new method (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn 2012). This report will focus on the implementation of the teacherkit technology in the organization and management of the classroom. The features of this technology allow the teacher and students to interact through their individual devices in one platform. Having been a teacher for more than ten years, my experience with classroom management makes me feel that the adoption of the teacherkit technology will be an important milestone in enhancing organization and management of the classroom. My experience with adoption of change especially related to technology allows me to identify the various barriers to implementation of this technology and hence develop a plan for implementation that will minimize these barriers. This report, therefore, guides on the implementation of teacherkit technology in classroom management. The advantages of using technology in the classroom are many and cannot be ignored. Educators regard the adoption and

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